En el siguiente enlace podéis ver nuestros próximos viajes nacionales y al extranjero y nuestra nueva web. Espero que os gusten ambas.
In the following link you can check our upcoming national and foreign trips and our new web site. I hope you like them.
Próximos viajes. Next trips.
Esta semana os muestro algunas de las aves que pudimos observar en un viaje al Parque Nacional de Monfragüe.
This week I show you some of the birds that we could observe on a trip to Monfragüe National Park.
El objetivo principal del viaje era ver el celo de las águilas imperiales ibéricas (Aquila adalberti).
The main purpose of the trip was to see the Spanish Imperial Eagles in heat.
EL tiempo fue regular pues hasta las 2 del medio día tuvimos una niebla muy densa.
Weather was not very good because until 2pm we had a very heavy fog.
Petirrojo europeo (Erithacus
European Robin.
Nutria europea (Lutra lutra).
Eurasian Otter.
Cormoranes grandes (Phalacrocorax
carbo) pescando.
Great Cormorants fishing.
Próximos viajes. Next trips.
Esta semana os muestro algunas de las aves que pudimos observar en un viaje al Parque Nacional de Monfragüe.
This week I show you some of the birds that we could observe on a trip to Monfragüe National Park.
El objetivo principal del viaje era ver el celo de las águilas imperiales ibéricas (Aquila adalberti).
The main purpose of the trip was to see the Spanish Imperial Eagles in heat.
EL tiempo fue regular pues hasta las 2 del medio día tuvimos una niebla muy densa.
Weather was not very good because until 2pm we had a very heavy fog.
Perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa).
Red-legged Partridge.
Red-legged Partridge.
Como no veíamos mucho debido a la niebla nos dedicamos a sacar fotos a las aves más cercanas. En la foto un carbonero común (Parus
As we were not able to watch to far due to the fog we made photos to the nearest Birds. In the pic a Great Tit.European Robin.
Eurasian Otter.
Cuervo (Corvus
Raven.Great Cormorants fishing.
Buitre leonado (Gyps
Vulture.Grey Heron.
About two o'clock in the afternoon fog went out. Great Cormorants continued fishing.
Y enseguida las águilas imperiales ibéricas (Aquila
adalberti) se pusieron a volar.
And soon the Spanish Imperial Eagles began to fly.Águila imperial ibérica (Aquila adalberti) y buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) .
Spanish Imperial Eagle and Griffon Vulture.
Spanish Imperial Eagle and Griffon Vulture.
No cesaban de recolectar material para su nido.
They did not stop collecting material for their nest.
They did not stop collecting material for their nest.
Los asiduos al observatorio, el petirrojo europeo (Erithacus rubecula).
Regulars at the observatory,European Robin.Y carbonero común (Parus major).
And Great Tit.Male of Blue Rock Thrush.
La pareja de águilas imperiales ibéricas (Aquila adalberti) estaban muy protectoras con su territorio de cría.
The pair of Spanish Imperial Eagles were very protective with their breeding territory.And they attacked Griffon Vultures at least three times.
This is one of them.
Awesome.Buitre loenado (Gyps fulvus).
Griffon Vulture.
We also saw some Black Vultures.
Ciervos comunes (Cervus elaphus).
European Red Deers.También pudimos ver a una pareja de águilas perdiceras (Aquila
We could also see a pair of Bonelli's Eagles.And another Eurasian otter.
Cuando regresábamos a Madrid decidimos hacer una parada para ver la entrada de las grullas comunes (Grus grus) al atardecer.
When we were returning to Madrid we decided to make a stop to see the Common Cranes entering to their roosting places at sunset.
White Stork.
Moon was beautiful.
Like the sunset.
And with these images of the Common Cranes I say goodbye to all of you until next post.
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